Playroom refresh

I puttered today and got the kids playroom into shape








Adventures In Decorating: Fall 2014 Window Boxes (First Day of School)


Fall 2014 Window Box Details

Fall 2014 Window Box Details

Fall 2014 Front of House

Fall 2014 Front of House

It was a bit grey and fall like yesterday and the kids started school this morning. I am the proud mom of a 6th and 3rd Grader. They are becoming such little humans, wise and seasoned beyond their years but still innocent and hopeful, I hope they never lose their uniqueness.

3rd and 6th Grade 2014

3rd and 6th Grade 2014

Boo is not happy her kids are gone for the day.

Boo is not happy her kids are gone for the day.

It is no secret that Halloween is our major decorating time around here, and since I only have the kids half time I wanted to make it easier, but still special. So the Dept 56 Halloween Houses will go up as usual in the next week inside the house, and the outside of the house will be Fall only until no later than October 1. I decided I’m not going to totally redo from one season to the next. When it gets closer I will take out the flowers, throw in some spiders and ghosts and let all the leaves remain. The inside I will be able to pull the Halloween and I’ll do a cornucopia for Thanksgiving. Christmas will be red and white again but that is getting a little ahead of myself.
Meanwhile I hope you enjoy the window boxes this year and I’d love to see what you’ve done with your own spaces!

Adventures in Decorating: Fall 2014 Floral

I know you all must think I disappeared from the face of the earth. Never fear, I’ve been occupied getting divorced, but that’s done now so I turned my attention to some Fall Decorating. I’m only doing two pieces this year because I’m embracing easier. The front door wreath and a hearth piece. I’ve missed blogging and all of you so hopefully I’ll write more soon. Until then enjoy Lovies!









Adventures in Decorating: Two legged table




I mixed chalk paint with some leftover latex paint from my stash. And it came out this amazing icy light blue grey. I love it!


Adventures in Decorating: cheap dirty table redo

My awesome neighbor was throwing this away. I tucked it into my project stash and pulled it out today. I need more room for my makeup in our bathroom. We have double sinks and minimal counter space. Step one. Measure and saw. Stay tuned

